Sample Essay – Domestic Appliance Services
Essay: is the website of Domestic Appliance Services. The company is based in Hampshire, UK and provides sell spare parts of various brands of washing machines, dish washers, vacuum cleaners, dryers and electric cookers.
Usability Criteria Selected for the website
For the evaluation of the website the following usability goals have have been used.
The Content on the Website are up to date.
Measuring Attribute
Time since last update
Current Status
The website mentions date at the bottom of its home page which can be assumed to be the date when the website was last updated. This shows that the website has not been updated since 13th of September 2008.
Planned and Minimum Level of Acceptance
The website should be planned to be updated on daily basis. At minimum the website should be updated every 3 days in order to keep the customers updated with new arrivals or other offers.
-Time Taken to browse to a particular vendor item.
Measuring Attribute
Time taken by a user to locate the required spare part on the websites.
Current Status
The website requires special plug-ins to be downloaded to view the parts listing pages. This takes several minutes to download and install.
Planned and Minimum Level of Acceptance
The user should be able to locate a particular spare part on the website in less a minute. The minimum acceptable level for this search is 60 seconds.
-Site Contents are easy to understand.
Measuring Attribute
User Agreement Level
Current Status
Currently it is widely agreed that the contents of the website are difficult to understand and the users have difficulty in gaining information from any page
Planned and Minimum Level of Acceptance
The content of the website should be made very easy. Each page should provide information in a easy to understand language. The planned level for the website is Very Easy and the minimum level should be Satisfactory.
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