Sample History of Porsche Essay
Son of Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, Ferry Porsche strategically found out the interest, necessity and willingness of people about an idea of buying an innovative and attractive sports car. Ultimately he found sponsors to finance his production which lead to the production of lightweight sports cars. This promoted a design firm to an automobile factory having Gmund plants for monthly production. Until 1951, Porsche experienced its achievements to the top. They moved from small factory in Gmund to Stuttgart, where there was a spacious and furnished factory waiting for Porsche designers to work. They achieved milestone of producing the 1000th sports car making all that a reality which Dr. Ferdinand Porsche had envisioned. Dr. Porsche died (Porsche AG, 2008).
The year 1956 was the time when 10,000th production took place. This proceeded with the export orders of customers from abroad. This era was the one when the highest number of victories in racing took place by the Porsche cars. Porsche introduced its 356 models like 356A and 356B.
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