Term Paper Queen

Characters of Othello

Lago: is the villain in ‘Othello’. He falsifies his relationship with Othello and stimulates his suspicions and envy. L ago sets his sights on Michael Cassio’s high lieutenant role and hence starts to try to compromise his opponent in the eyes of General Othello, their boss.

Brabantio is the Senator of Venice and Desdemona’s aunt. He can’t imagine that his innocent, attractive, and tender daughter would form a relationship with a dark-skinned, callous Moor who is far older than her, too. The Council of Senators, headed by the Duke of Venice, calls upon Othello to punish him for disrespecting his daughter.

Roderigo is an army officer who has a fondness for Desdemona. The young woman denied her thoughts, which is why Roderigo hates Othello and thought of him as his opponent. He thought Iago might help him get Desdemona back, but Iago uses Roderigo to instill his envy of Othello against Cassio and attempts to get Cassio to be killed by Roderigo.

Duke of Venice is the lord of the town. He is the one who gives a lot of strength and prestige to Othello as he asks him to rally the army to defend the lands of Venice (Cyprus) from a Turkish attack. He is also the one who approves of the marriage of Othello to Desdemona, thereby validating their emotions.

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