Term Paper Queen

Crime Scene

Forensic investigations are being conducted at a boarded-up crime scene inside. Because it is flanked by shelves holding cartons and plastic boxes and has a scuffed tile floor in black and grey, it appears to be some storage area at first glance.

A metal shelf unit and a beige counter stool, generally used for bars, are used to board it off. The meter, which is still in its original place on the floor, measures the length and width of the crime scene. Forty-six inches by 75 inches make up the crime scene.

The crime scene is essentially split into six identical 2325-inch square parts. To prevent confusion, we must give them numbers to move on with the description. As a result, the upper left is ranked first, followed by the upper right, middle left, middle right, lower left, and lower right.

Forensic Investigation Report of a Crime Scene

The crime scene is essentially split into six identical 2325-inch square areas. We must give them numbers to continue with the description and prevent misunderstanding. Therefore, the upper left is ranked. First, the upper right is second, the middle left is third, the middle right is fourth, the lower left is fifth, and the lower right is sixth.

A gun pointed north is lying on the tiled floor in square #1 of the crime scene. It looks like a semi-automatic handgun, which normally activates a firearm’s action using the energy of a cartridge. On the sackcloth, we can also see a thin cigarette butt that appears to have a pink lip gloss stain on it.

The tarsal bone from the right foot of an adult may also be seen on this particular piece of fabric. Between squares #1 and #2, the right femur bone lies on its northward-pointing side.

We can see a skull in square #3 with a dislocated mandible lying close by. The right and left clavicles and the right scapula are visible a few inches lower to the south. The right humerus is shown in square #4. 7 of the 24 vertebrae that make up an adult person are between squares #4 and #6. Two cervical vertebrae, two thoracic vertebrae, two transverse vertebrae, and the sacrum are listed in order from north to south. They are all lying in a straight line towards the north.