Term Paper Queen

Literature Review

As any student knows, it is an important part of the educational curriculum to write a literature review, scholarly essays, and research papers. To surround it, you construct a thesis, endorse it using credible sources, and formulate systemic theories. Not all students, however, realize that they will also face another form of paper known in college as a Literature Review.

A literature review is a body of study that discusses multiple articles within a particular subject field, and often within a set timeline, according to the concept. This style of writing allows you to read and examine multiple references that contribute to the main topic and present each publication’s specific interpretation. Finally, a literature review should incorporate a listing of the texts it incorporates with a synthesis.

A description is a short outline of the publication’s relevant facts; a synthesis is a re-organization of the information that brings a new and special meaning to the prose. The key aim of a literature review is to outline and synthesize the ideas that previous writers have established, without adding specific views or other additional material.

If any clear recommendations have not been issued to you, it is advised to hold about 15-30 percent of your whole paper in your literature review. That is around 2-3 pages for a 15-page report, to give you a rough idea. If a literature review is published as a stand-alone task, its duration should be specified in the guidelines given.

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