This paper aims to find out the relation between recruitment and turnover. If an organization recruits the right people then turnover has chances to minimize immensely. The research is based on two companies McDonalds which is the food and restaurant industry and Microsoft which is the software industry. The trends in both organizations will be studied to see the differences between the two industries. The focus will be how the organizations recruit and what other measure do they take to reduce turnover. A questionnaire has been used to find out results and the differences in the two organizations have been discussed in details.
This paper aims to find out the relation between recruitment and turnover. If an organization recruits the right people then turnover has chances to minimize immensely. The research is based on two companies McDonalds which is the food and restaurant industry and Microsoft which is the software industry. The trends in both organizations will be studied to see the differences between the two industries. The focus will be how the organizations recruit and what other measure do they take to reduce turnover. The consequences will be evident through the research. A questionnaire (See Appendix) has been used to research the two organizations because the people working and the administration is the best source of such information.
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