Term Paper Queen

Sample Essay – Birth Order

Birth order is defined as the order of the birth of children within a family as distinguished by age. As suggested by renowned psychologists, this order has a profound effect on the psychological development of individuals and continues to influence the thinking of the general culture.

The effect that birth order has on people is usually kept concealed, and any personality peculiarities that may arise are not brought to notice until they become extremely prominent (Adler, 1964).

As a result, the neurosis that develops is part of an ongoing disturbance for the patient. It opposes the “maintenance of a style of acting, thinking and perceiving which distorts and denies the demands of reality” (Adler, 1964).

The birth order thus affects a person’s psychological development in a way that is trivial enough to be dismissed as a defect and is only given light in later years if the situation goes out of hand.

Birth Order

While researchers have produced data suggesting that this birth order notion cannot be substantiated with empirical evidence, others, such as Adler, suggest it to be an important aspect of development that is often overlooked.

Adler was one of the first theorists to suggest the same, and he, having lived alongside Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, had notions similar to theirs that supported his ideologies.

As a result, the brand new theory of the order of birth affecting a person’s outlook on life emerged, suggesting a change in a person’s personality and moods depending on whether they were firstborns, middle children, or later born, paving the way for definable characteristics for each category as suggested by that theory.

The Adler approach put things widely believed into perspective, calling them a distinct characteristic of child development. Since then, this theory has been both appreciated and dismissed by researchers.

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