Term Paper Queen

Everyone loves to be praised by people and everyone, to some extent, loves his\her own self, but have you ever met a person who is extremely self-obsessed? Such a person with excessive self-love, urge to get admiration, and lack of empathy is known as a narcissist person. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by a person’s extreme self-centeredness, conceit, and greed for admiration.

The term narcissism was coined by a good know psychologist, Sigmund Freud. He examined a particular physiological behavior in few people; he then named that behavioral pattern after a Greek god. In Greek mythology, Narcissus, the son of the river god, was admired for his handsomeness.

He fell in love with his own reflection in the water of spring. He was so obsessed with himself that he killed himself. Freud used this myth to define a psychological disorder. In 1914, Freud wrote an essay, which tells his theory on narcissism and narcissism people.


In psychoanalysis, narcissism has contributed a lot. Most narcissist people are considered emotionally immature. They act like a child, who tries to gain the attention of people around him\herself, and to be applauded for his actions. This psychological state is considered as an abnormal state. It is very difficult to deal with a narcissist. Narcissist can be troublesome to the people around him\her.


The main reason a narcissist is a problem for other people is that they never accept the reality. They believe that they can never make a mistake because they are perfect beings. They deny the reality of their condition. Narcissistic views other people as mere objects that are to please and serve them.

They mostly have a dictatorial nature; they believe that no one has the capability to outdo them. They always scorn other people. Another reason to stay away from a narcissist is that they lack empathy, they do not care about other people’s emotions; this leads them to hurt other: verbally and physically.

Beware! Narcissists are often pretentious; they sometimes pretend to be very generous and caring but in reality, they may have some hidden schemes.

To understand the term narcissism is easy, but to understand a narcissist person is difficult. Every person in this world has a different behavioral aspect.

People should have a tolerance level to avoid any dispute with other persons. If you find someone with narcissist’s traits, then you must not quarrel with them to test their limits, just try to avoid any conflict with them.