Sample Term Paper – Cry Freedom
Attenborough’s second biography depicts the story of black leader Steve Biko, played by Academy Award winner Denzel Washington. Steve Biko was a revolutionary leader in South Africa who founded the Black Consciousness Movement in 1969 while studying medicine. He eventually gave up medicine to continue the struggle for his people in a Martin Luther King-esque fashion. He became the voice of the black people in the later decades of the 20th century.
While Biko was the sole representative of the blacks in the country, Attenborough paid close attention to his accomplices who made the movement possible.
One such accomplice was the white journalist Donald Woods, whose objective press representation stemmed from his loyalty towards Biko. He brought the movement into the limelight, garnering support throughout the country.
As a result, Biko and Woods became victims of oppression. Biko was arrested and detained, where he suffered brain injuries that led to his death. Woods, having learned of Biko’s death, had to flee to Lesotho in disguise to avoid a similar fate (Attenborough, Cry Freedom).
Cry Freedom
Attenborough’s attempt at inciting fame at the hands of the masses for the real heroes attains marginal success as it concentrates on both the efforts of Biko and Woods.
While many criticize how the film was inclined towards the efforts of the white Woods more than Bike, critics fail to acknowledge the input of the actual Woods, which went towards the script’s production.
Biko was given ample screen time, and his successful attempts to incite revolt amongst the young blacks were fully depicted in the schoolchildren’s uprising in Soweto, bringing the efforts of both contenders into the spotlight.
In contrast, Woods, being alive at the time of the shooting, provided a relatively thorough account of his efforts, which were then transcribed into the script.
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