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Sample Term Paper

William Shakespeare Biography

William Shakespeare was an eloquent 16th-century writer of comic and tragedy works. He is considered to be a superlative transcriber with virtually no parallels throughout history to date. His works have been revered and performed consistently since their inception and include 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and two long poems of the narrative variety along with other simpler ones.

He wrote mainly in English but his works have been subject to translations into all other major languages and are still being performed in recent times not just in theatres but in big screen feature films as well.

His birth date is unknown but he was baptized on the 26th of April 1564 and lived through till 23 April 1616. Born in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, England, he began his career as an actor, writer, and part owner of one of the leading playing companies of London named Lord Chamberlain’s Men (later referred to as the King’s Men he was also a partner too) between 1585 and 1592 and became rather successful.

He fell in love with a young Anne Hathaway who was pregnant with their first child when they got married. Shakespeare was 18 and Hathaway was 26 at the time. Together they had three children, Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Not much is known in the way of their private life but they were married till Shakespeare’s death in 1616, three years prior to which, he had gone back to Stratford from London.

There has been much debate with regards to his appearance, sexual orientation, and religion since then, going so far as to doubt the legitimacy of his writing being his, but most of it all is speculation if anything.

Shakespeare was the son of a successful alderman called John Shakespeare who was married to the daughter of a farmer with his own land. It is reputed that he went to a free school called King’s New School in Stratford, where he received the standard education in Latin grammar, language, history, philosophy, etc which was made customary by law at the time.

By 1585, Hathaway, Shakespeare’s wife had born him 3 children. From 1585 to 1592, there is a limited record of what went on with the elite writer up until he was mentioned as part of the London theatre in 1592 when his plays started being staged. There have been conflicting reports mostly based on hearsay that describe how he went into self-exile or spent his years as a schoolmaster.

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