Term Paper Queen

Impact of Women’s Job-Related Mobility on Family Lives

This segment presents a detailed explanation of these interrelations. The explanation is based on the data acquired from various studies that have conversed regarding the impact of women’s job-related mobility on family relations. These studies allowed the researcher to analyze the concept of mobility from different perspectives.

The researchers focused on the consequences of mobility on the quality of family relations. According to a significant number of researchers, mobility affects family relations to a considerable extent. However, what turns out to be crucial is the process through which an individual has turned out to be mobile and the circumstances associated with the process. Nevertheless, it is put forward that two factors are linked to few marital conflicts and high marital satisfaction.

First, when mobility was enforced by the employers, however, the social networks, as well as the family members, did not interfere with a decision. Second, when the person himself is motivated and enthusiastic to become mobile.

Family Lives

It is eminent here to shed light on the deeply seeded consequence of patriarchy and prevalent constraints upon female decision making, the decision to mobility is initiated either by families or because of the fact of marriage creating this cadre of pink collar mothers in the first place.

This corresponding independence of women is evident in a majority of the aspects such as education, marriage, and even childbearing and rearing, particularly in the South Asian context.

As explained by various researchers, mobility influences parenthood, particularly in situations when the epoch of being mobile overlaps the phase of family formation and if it endures for a long duration. In the case of men, mobility results in the deferment of family formation instead of sterility. However, in women’s case, mobility’s impact is much intensified.

Mobility Impacts

Mobility impacts the state of family formation by increasing the risk of staying childless and the duration between marriage and the birth of a first child. Job mobility of women diminishes the ability of couples to extend their families while progressing in careers. This is explicitly true if the female partner is mobile.

The researcher also verified that in situations when the male partner is mobile, the effects of mobility are not intensified much. These impacts vary according to the culture of the countries.

For instance, in some countries, the compatibility between parenthood and professional life can be easily achieved compared to other countries.

In contrast, in a few countries, job mobility minimizes this compatibility more intensely. Moreover, gender discrimination tends to have a greater impact on this compatibility in certain countries than in others. Culture can be considered the potential factor that initiates these effects.

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